CNL Securities




CNL Financial Group (CNL) offers 50 years of experience in sponsoring alternative investments, which includes being one of the original players in the non-traded real estate investment trust (REIT) industry, and now the first to provide CNL Long-term Private Capital®. Not only have CNL and its affiliates formed or acquired companies with $36 billion in assets1, but we are also one of the first to bring true innovation to the world of alternative investments for individual investors.

Take a closer look at how CNL has been building the future of alternatives

CNL Timeline

Browse the timeline below to view some of our industry-advancing firsts. To view a complete timeline of CNL’s history, please visit

Past performance is not indicative of future results. Prior programs sponsored by CNL have been adversely affected by general economic conditions, capital market trends and other external factors during their respective operating periods. Please read the prospectus or PPM before investing.
1 As of Sept. 30, 2023. Fair market value of consideration received or of stock at the time of listing, as applicable from operations, return of capital and liquidity events.
2 Chamber Street Properties, formerly CB Richard Ellis Realty Trust, was a REIT for which CNL Securities Corp. was the distributor between November 2006 and January 2012. CNL Financial Group owned an interest in its advisor and parent holding company. The CNL entities are no longer affiliated with Chambers Street Properties.
3 Corporate Capital Trust listed on the NYSE on Nov. 14, 2017, upon which, KKR Credit Advisors (US) LLC became the sole advisor. CNL is no longer affiliated with Corporate Capital Trust.
4 Effective April 8, 2018, the advisory agreement between Corporate Capital Trust II and CNL Fund Advisors II was terminated. CNL is no longer affiliated with Corporate Capital Trust II.

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